jeudi 26 janvier 2017

Apple offers Night Shift property for mac OS platform soon

Apple is preparing to support users macOS platform soon, Night Shift feature made during the last period on the iOS platform, that the property comes through a new update to the operating system.

Application F.lux came during the last period to provide a solution for users of macOS platform in the reduction of the blue color in the screen, but this application relied from the start on the unit and the degree of the colors in the screen, so in spite of the application of the damage to the blue color emitted from the screen processing, that has led to a shift some of the content to the degree of orange color even more.

Night Shift property has been spotted in 10.12.4 demo version of Sierra operating system, which offers Apple during the coming period in conjunction with the launch of updated iOS 10.3.

It is worth mentioning that the application F.lux offers in the past for users of iOS platform, but the night vision feature Night Shift launch on iOS platform has led to the disappearance of this application, so it is expected to be limited to the importance of the application in the coming period the users macOS after the launch of the formal property, but the application is available on the Alondorad platform, Windows as well as Linux.

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