jeudi 26 janvier 2017

Leaks photographer for hours LG upcoming Android Wear system 2.0

New leaks reveal a pictorial design of new versions of hours Alondorad from LG, it is expected to offer Android Wear 2.0 update soon.

Some manufacturers still for hours Alondorad awaiting recovery new markets during the coming period, Inc. LG is one of the companies, which this year offers two models of smart watches, today leaks reveal the design of the new hours, which comes first release sized sporty design, while features a version other small classic design.

Leaks did not make clear whether these versions are the same versions of the upcoming LG and Google, where the details are still forthcoming versions of Google and LG limited specifications yet.

So far the previous leaks have revealed that LG offers the first prototype of hours Alondorad Watch Sport size of 1.38 inches, with the clarity of resolution 480 by 480 pixels, a sporty-sized, as this model is characterized by a random memory, 768 MB RAM, with a battery capacity of 430 mAh .

While the second model of the upcoming hours LG size of 1.2 inches, comes with the clarity of 360 in the 360-pixel accuracy, random memory and 512 MB of RAM, and a battery capacity of 240 mAh, that supports both models run Android Wear 2.0.

LG is expected to reveal new versions of events during the hours Alondorad MWC Conference in 2017, also supports Android Wear operating system 2.0, the new clocks to be used independently away from the phone, also with separate applications in the Google Play store.

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